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Witchcraft 101 - Witches, Wiccans & Pagans, Who They Are, And What They Do

By Witchcraft Academy

Every month there are hundreds of people who hear about Wicca and Witchcraft. It is one of the fastest growing religions in the world today.

Are you one of these people?

The problem is that until now, the only way to find out what Witchcraft or Wicca is, has been to take classes or read books about how to become a Witch. Most people, when they first hear about Witchcraft don’t want to become a Witch. They just want to learn more about what Witchcraft is.

Learning to be a Witch, just to find out what Witchcraft is, is like learning how to build a car just so you can drive one. That’s ridiculous!

Witchcraft 101 doesn’t teach you how to be a Witch, it explains what Witchcraft is. Finally there’s a way to test the waters, without jumping in with both feet!

Inside Witchcraft 101 you will learn:
  • What a Witch really is (and what we’re not)
  • The basics of our rituals (and the rituals you do every day without realizing it)
  • The holidays a Witch celebrates, and why
  • The three keys to successful spells
  • The Gods and Goddesses we worship

And much more!

If you have an interest in becoming a Witch, or you just want to learn more about Witchcraft, this book is an invaluable resource. Written by Priests and Priestesses with a combined experience of over a century in Witchcraft, Witchcraft 101 contains more information about what Witchcraft is, than most books on how to become a Witch do.

Witchcraft 101 is available only on Kindle.

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