Knot Magick

Knot Magick is some of the simplest, yet most powerful magick you can do. There are many variations of this technique, including the Witches Ladder. What I show you here, is just the most basic form, that will allow you to create and hold a spell until you need it.

Remember that all forms of magick have the potential to harm. It is the intent with which you cast the spell, that determines if it is helpful or harmful. A perfect example is a binding spell, which can be done with knot magick and is a variation on what I show in the video. A binding can keep someone from harming you, but can also harm the one who is bound.

Magickal Caution!

Caution should always be used when casting any spell. The Three-fold Law states that magick you cast will eventually return to you. There is always a price to pay with magick, and the cost is completely dependent on  you. You cannot run away from, nor pass on the responsibility of casting a spell.

There are always many ways to cast a single spell, and even those where you want to remove something from your life, can work best when the intent is framed in a positive way. Instead of casting a spell to get a coworker fired, you can cast it with the intent that they find a better job. The result is the same, they no longer work with you, but the price you pay is positive, not negative.

Your frame of mind is also important. Spells are not to be done lightly, or without thought and preparation. Before doing any spell, you would be wise to follow your usual ritual regimen, which should include a Ritual Bath, and triple-casting a Ritual Circle.

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