Actions Not Words

The last two weeks, I’ve been posting about this self help video I watched. The first one was a Spell Of Abundance, and last week I wrote a post about Your Craft Commitment. The video didn’t talk about anything I hadn’t already heard, just as I don’t expect that I’m telling you anything really new, but as I watched the video, it suddenly crystalized in my mind, how I could use these to teach about Witchcraft.

That brings us to the last part of how to create abundance in your life and Craft, and that is to put forth actions, not words. You see, it’s all well and good to say “I want to be a Witch, and bring abundance into my life”, but what are you doing to actually be a Witch?

If your answer is that you are reading books and websites, watching videos where you can, that’s great, but what else are you doing? (This is a question I love asking my students) Reading and watching are both passive activities. As a teenager, I used to read a book and listen to the stereo at the same time. I can down a bag of cookies and watch videos at the same time.

If you can do more than one thing at a time, it’s a passive activity. If you are going to manifest anything, you need to be actively working toward that manifestation. This can be straight up scary. Trying anything for the first time can be frightening. Were you completely confident the first time you got behind the wheel of a car? Probably not. I can tell you that as a male, it took asking a whole lot of girls out, before I lost the fear of, “what if she says no?”

The first time you cast circle, you’re scared that you’ll do it wrong. The first many times you cast circle, you have that fear. The same thing for casting a spell, or writing a ritual, or crafting a spell. Every time you try something new, you are very likely to be scared about some aspect of it. We humans naturally fear the unknown. It’s what kept our ancestors from being eaten.

Fortunately, just as strong as the fear of the unknown, is the curiosity of finding something new.

That curiosity is what brought you here, hoping to find answers. Hopefully you’ve found some, or at least found some value in what you’ve discovered. It’s that reward that keeps us exploring for new things. We are wired to enjoy discovery.

So, back to abundance. First you learned how to acknowledge the abundance you already have, so that you are in a mental state to recognize opportunity when it comes. Then you learned that you must commit fully to getting that abundance by pushing your fears to the side. Now you need to take action.

As Witches, we all know that magick is great, but it won’t do anything unless you actually take physical action. A job spell won’t get you a new job, if you don’t send out resumes. Magick to better yourself or your life, is what I call Internal Magick. It doesn’t get sent out to the Universe to work its Way, it opens your mind to the possibilities that always exist.

Once your mind is open to those possibilities, you must take action to manifest whatever abundance you desire. What action you take, will depend on what abundance you want to manifest. If you want a raise at work, are you doing a better job than every one of your coworkers? There’s no reason for your boss to give you a raise, if you’re just an average employee.

If you are looking for love or companionship, are you putting yourself out where you will meet people? Are you going to events where people you don’t know might be? It’s possible you might meet someone while walking the dog, or at the grocery store, but it’s not that likely. Go to parties you get invited to, or events hosted by members of your local Pagan community if you have one, or just your local community in general.

If you’re trying to pay off a credit card, or buy a house, or new car, are you putting money away for that? Or are you spending every penny you get on other things? Have you set a budget?

I know you’re thinking ‘These aren’t magickal things!’ and you’re right, except that as a Witch, you must realize that everything you do has magickal significance. Witchcraft isn’t something you do once a month, or eight times a year. Witchcraft is a way of living your life. It’s a way of seeing something magickal in the mundane.

Witchcraft isn’t something you wiggle your nose and get instant results, it takes time. It takes time to retrain your mind to think in positive terms. It takes time to see the magick all around you. It takes time to gain the confidence that you do have the power to make any change you desire. Reading how to make these changes takes no time at all, a few minutes. Practicing your Craft can take a lifetime or more.

How are you progressing with your abundance? Let me know in the comments below…

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    2 replies to "Actions, Not Words"

    • christine filas

      Your posts could not have come at a better time. I have been struggling with abundance issue’s you have given me solutions. Seems someone out there was listening…

      • Greyhart

        I’m glad you found the posts valuable. I try to take a subject, and explain every aspect of it that I can. Sometimes that means multiple posts, but then, the people who are going to get the most from them, are the ones who want as much information as I can give.

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