Who are you looking for? Are you searching for someone with specific intellectual and emotional traits, or are you just looking for a nice face and great body?

As a Witch, you learn how to manipulate energy, and manifest what you want. Interestingly, most Witches I know, forget about magick when it comes to finding a lover and partner. It's absolutely unacceptable to bewitch a specific person into falling in love with you, but no one ever said you can't use magick to find exactly what you want in a partner.

The best part is, even if you already have someone, you can make things better with a little magick!

The first rule of spellcraft, is understand exactly what you are trying to manifest, down to the last detail. The better you know what you want, the more likely you are to manifest it. In the case of a lover and partner, what you must know, is yourself.

Know Thyself

That sounds easy enough, until you ask yourself exactly what you are truly looking for. This isn't about the physical attributes of a Toy, it's about finding someone you could spend your life with. In order to find that person, you must first know exactly what it is, spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually, that you most want in a mate.

This isn't about what turns you on sexually, it's about what turns you on emotionally. How does your perfect mate act? How does this perfect partner make you feel special? What do they do when you are at your worst? Only when you have a crystal clear picture of the traits you truly desire, can you begin to manifest the perfect lover and partner.

This is one of those times when it's not only ok to be selfish, but encouraged. A short term roll only requires a willing participant. For the long term, you must find someone worthy of you. You are worth only the very best, so be picky. Don't settle. It's those who settle for what they think they can get, who end up in divorce court. Know exactly what you want in a mate, and then manifest it. I promise you, it's worth the wait.

Renewing An Old Relationship

Already in a relationship, and the magick has gone out of it? Put it back in!

Here are 3 ways to turn your relationship into a spiritual partnership.

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